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Changes to a Grant | Grants

It is not unusual over the course of a multi-year award to need to make changes to a grant. These are some of the more typical requests. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Changes in a Budget

Most funding agencies permit changes in budgets up to a certain level without prior approval. PD/PIs are expected to understand the budget limitations of their grants prior to overspending in any budget category.

To initiate any budget modifications, please notify the Grants Office for assistance.

Changes in Scope

The objectives or scope of federally funded projects may not be changed without prior approval. Such change requests must be signed and submitted by the authorized organizational official via the funder's appropriate systems.

Reduction in Effort or Absence of the PI

The named PI/PD (and co-PI/co-PD) should be continuously responsible for the conduct of the project and effort should align to the budget that was submitted to the sponsor.

If Wabash determines that there is a need for the addition of a new co-PI/co-PD, or the current PI/PD or co-PI/co-PD plans to, or becomes aware that they will: (i) devote substantially less effort to the project than anticipated in the approved proposal; (ii) sever their connection with Wabash; or (iii) otherwise relinquish active direction of the project, they shall advise the Grants Office, who shall initiate action appropriate to the situation under the guidelines that follow.

Requesting No-Cost Extension of a Grant

At the time a grant is awarded, the funder will inform the PD/PI of the project period. As the project end date approaches, the PD/PI may wish to request a no-cost extension, providing grant funds remain. The process of obtaining a no-cost extension varies depending on the funder. Therefore, PI should contact the Grants Office at least 90 days in advance of the original end date, to discuss how to obtain a no-cost extension for their award.

Changes in the Principal Investigator (Including Transfer to Other Institutions)

If a principal investigator plans to leave Wabash College during the course of a grant, the PI should contact the Grants Office to discuss options and procedures. Wabash College has the prerogative to:

  • nominate a replacement PD/PI who is subject to the funder's approval;
  • request that the grant be terminated; or
  • transfer the grant to the PI's new organization. In those cases where a PI's participation is integral to a given project and Wabash College and the new organization agree, the Grants Office will coordinate a grant transfer from Wabash College to the PI's new institution.
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