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Mathematics and Computer Science - Faculty & Staff

William J. Turner

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science

Photo of Turner, William J.

William Turner came to Wabash College in 2002 to teach both mathematics and computer science. His research has been in the field of symbolic computation and computer algebra, which lies at the intersection of mathematics and computer science and is the field interested in how to program a computer to do mathematics with exact arithmetic rather than with floating point numbers and rounding as we are most familiar with a typical calculator. In addition, he is active in several national and international professional societies in his area of research and in both mathematics and computer science education.

Prof. Turner has served on several committees across campus and is an avid proponent of the liberal arts, often sitting in on courses in other departments across campus.  He has served as an advisor to the Delta Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, a national co-educational service fraternity.  Off campus, he has served on the national charter review team for Alpha Phi Omega, and he volunteered on various levels with the Boy Scouts of America and and the Girl Scouts of the USA.


  • Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, North Carolina State University, August 2002
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, Iowa State University, May 1996
  • B.S. with honors and distinction, Mathematics and Physics, Iowa State University, May 1994

Recent Course Offerings

  • CSC 101 – Introduction to Computer Science
  • CSC 111 – Introduction to Programming
  • CSC 112 – Advanced Programming
  • CSC 121 – Introduction to an Additional Programming Language
    • C++
    • Haskell
    • Python
    • R
    • Scheme
  • CSC 211 – Introduction to Data Structures
  • CSC 271 – Special Topics in Computer Science
    • Introduction to Database Design
    • Mobile Device Programming
  • CSC 241 (was 311) – Introduction to Machine Organitzation
  • CSC 242 (was 321) – Programming Languages
  • CSC 243 (was 331) – Algorithm Analysis
  • CSC 244 (was 341) – Theory of Computing
  • CSC/MAT 338 – Topics in Computational Mathematics
    • Computer Algebra
  • MAT 010/110 – Calculus with Precalculus
  • MAT 106 – Topics in Contemporary Mathematics
    • Pure Mathematics
    • Number Theory
    • Voting and Electoral Systems
    • Cryptography
  • MAT 108 – Discrete Mathematics
  • MAT 111 – Calculus I
  • MAT 112 – Calculus II
  • MAT 219 – Combinatorics
  • MAT 221 – Geometry
  • MAT 222 – Number Theory
  • MAT 223 – Linear Algebra
  • MAT 225 – Multivariable Calculus
  • MAT 226 – Operations Research
  • MAT 314 – Modeling with Differential Equations
  • MAT 331 – Abstract Algebra I
  • C&T 201 – Cultures and Traditions I 
  • C&T 202 – Cultures and Traditions II
  • FRC – Enduring Questions (EQ)
  • FRT – Freshman Tutorial
    • Man and Machine
    • Can You Keep a Secret?
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